WORSHIP CANCELLED 1/5/25! Join us tonight 1/4/25 @6-7pm for Worship due to impending weather!


Generosity is part of God's DNA and we give back to Him in response to all He's done for us.


God is the owner of all things. Everything really belongs to Him. But He allows us to enjoy what He's created and use it while we're here on earth. And He asks us to give back to Him a part of what we're managing as a way of making sure our hearts don't make our things the greatest affection in our lives. It's also a chance for us to invest what we have back into the work that He's doing on the earth.

We're so grateful for God's generosity and we want to be generous like He is. If you'd like to partner with us in the ministry God is doing at Freedom please hit the round blue button below that says "GIVE" and follow the prompts.